Product Description
Frontline plus spot on for dogs & cats is from Merial or Boehringer Ingelheim (joint venture) that helps kill fleas, ticks, mites and other pests in dogs & cats. It contains fipronil and s-methoprene that helps clear infestations and offer protection against pests.
Ingredients: Fipronil 9.8% w/v, S-Methoprene 8.8% w/v for dogs. Fipronil 9.8% w/v, S-Methoprene 11.8%w/v for cats
Variants: Available in multiple doses for dogs & cats. Choose the one most suitable for your pet among these below.
1)3 pipettes of 0.67ml for dogs & puppies of weight 2-10kg and age above 8 weeks.
2)3 pipettes of 1.34ml for dogs of weight 10-20kg.
3)3 pipettes of 2.68ml for dogs of weight 20-40kg.
4)3 pipettes of 4.02ml for dogs of weight above 40kg.
5)3 pipettes of 0.5ml for cats and kittens of age above 8 weeks and any weight.
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